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PSSCMP 2019; N. Phuan Ong: "Evidence for edge supercurrent in the Weyl superconductor MoTe2"
N. Phuan Ong (Princeton): "Evidence for edge supercurrent in the Weyl superconductor MoTe2"
PSSCMP 2019 introductory remarks by Ali Yazdani
Phase transformation from 2D MoTe2 to novel 1D Mo6Te6 nanowire
Prof. Phuan Ong, "Thermal Hall Effect of Spin Excitation in Quantum Magnets", Lecture 1(03) of 2
Prof. Nai Phuan Ong, "Topological Insulators and Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect"
Prof. Sanfeng Wu: "Excitons and Landau Quantization in Insulators"
Phuan Ong (Princeton)
TMS23 Phuan Ong Lecture 1
Mansour Shayegan (Princeton): "Probing exotic many- body states of 2D electron systems"
Xiaodong Xu (U. Washington): "2D magnets and heterostructures" (2nd talk)
Jacobus Fellow Neereja Sundaresan: Superconductivity and photons